Since we’re talking about referees this morning… At the recent NCYSA Annual General Meeting, two international FIFA referees (Kim Oberle and Sandra Serafini) presented a new program they are championing in North Carolina called the NCSRA Referee Mentor Program. The program is designed to take referees who want to go beyond entry level and help them develop:

The NCSRA Mentor Program Program’s mission is to build a solid base of knowledge and skills in the art of officiating soccer, as well as give opportunity and exposure to the referees who will be the driving force of tomorrow tomorrow’s NCSRA

The goal is to get aspiring referees into regional groups and bring in National referees, FIFA members, etc. to share experiences and teach the ‘next generation’. They also plan to use technology to provide analysis and feedback as well as peer review of on the pitch performance. Given the concerns over the shortage of good referees, this is a great idea. I hope they can find enough referees to fill all the regional classes.

If any of you actually participate in this program, I’d love to hear what it is like and how it goes!