Who knew that a calendar could be art? Not great art, but hey, people buy art made by monkeys throwing fruit or paint at canvas.
Here’s a snapshot of my family’s schedule for this week.

A Week In The Life of SoccerDad
In addition to the overall family calendar, we have a calendar for each kid/sport combination so we can colorize them. Useful when looking at it quickly to see when each team is playing. Without it, I’d never knew when I could agree to do something without 15 minutes of research. It’s a pain to setup at first, but well worth it. If you include correct soccer complex addresses in the location field of an event, Google will include a map when you open it up for details. We also use the specific calendar for my U12 Girls team to display the calendar on our team website for parents. Finally, I share many of the team calendars with friends/family if they want to include them on their own Google calendar. Google makes it very easy to export/share calendars outside of the web application.
Couldn’t function without it, but I think you also find you can agree to do more when you have such a precise view of your availability. Not sure if that’s good or bad!
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