For many of you this will be a ‘Well, duh!’ post, but I’m behind. I admit it. So I’m sure this was news a few months ago…
SoccerBlogs has always been a great resource for readers of soccer blogs. However, as the number of blogs and posts grew, it was hard to keep up with the volume. Well, Oscar has been hard at work with a lot of new features (profiles, new theme, better ‘Top Posts’ algorithm, etc.) and now he’s given us the best feature yet. True tagging. Unlike the first attempt, where he had tags assigned by blog, he now aggregates the true tags for every post and allows you to navigate by them. Even better, you can subscribe to RSS feeds for each tag, so you can have a group of topics that you get posts for in your RSS reader instead of just the main firehose. Just browse to a given tag and look for the feed link. Sure, you can do similar things with Technorati, but you’ll get ALL blogs, not just soccer blogs. Well done!
Keep up the great work Oscar!
Adding: Just for fun I created a new sidebar box with common topics that will get you the latest posts for a given tag via Soccer Blogs. I’m sure I’ll add others over time.
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