It’s been interesting seeing the culture shock in some of our area high school soccer programs as more players with travel/club experience arrive and join the sizable group of players who are athletic, but did not play travel soccer growing up. I’m proud that many of my older travel team players have a ‘warrior’ mindset. Soccer is an intense, physical, but beautiful sport – which is why many of them love to play. Yet many who are used to only Rec and School soccer don’t see it that way. So when I heard about an exchange between one of my players and a school teammate of hers, it made me smile.
At a recent match, the ground was very wet/muddy and my player had gotten fouled a few times, and going in hard – hit the ground. So she was VERY muddy. On the way out she had this exchange with a teammate (it’s paraphrased but you get the idea):
Teammate: “I had fun, but didn’t like being knocked down in the mud”
My Player: “but you like to play soccer…”
Teammate: “yeah, I like to play soccer”
My Player: “well, that’s soccer and it happens”
Teammate: “well, I like to kick the ball and run, but not get muddy or get pushed.”
My Player: “ummm… then you don’t really like soccer”
That’s funny!
March 29th, 2012 at 10:20 am
that’ awesome! when i was coaching, especially at the younger rec level, i on the first truly rainy/muddy day i would do mud angels with the gals. yup, when i blew the whistle we would all drop and do mud angels. told them they can be as girly or tomboy as they want to be-that’s the beauty of the game. on the field it doesn’t matter as long as you give 110%. some parents couldn’t believe it but it was a way to make it fun and get them used to the fact that here in seattle we play in any weather (except lightning). coached several of the gals from kindergarten until 5th grade when 8 of the 13 moved to the premier/travel club level. I continued to coach the remaining 5 + new players for two more seasons until my daughter’s travel schedule conflicted too much.