I really need to find more time to read the blog posts over at US Youth Soccer. There can be some really good stuff over there, but also stuff that makes you scratch your head. Like this recent post from Susan Boyd about free skills camps:
Lately I’ve been seeing a number of clubs advertising spring skill camps for U-9 and U-10 players. These camps have no fees attached, are open to any child in the correct age range, and don’t require a reservation. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on – these are camouflaged tryouts for kids too young for any select program. Clubs know that if they can snag potential players when they are still learning cursive writing they may be able to snag and retain the next Landon Donovan or Abby Wambach. Anxious for little Molly or Mikey to be discovered, parents have no problem bringing their children to these camps. It’s either a win-win or win-lose situation with the clubs always winning.
While this certainly may be true in some cases, as someone who runs one of these clinics, this characterization annoyed me.
Now many clubs get accused of pushing their travel programs for the $$$. In programs where coaches are paid, that very well may be true. But in our league, our coaches are ALL volunteers. We pay an outside soccer academy to ‘train’ our travel teams once a week. This ‘independent contractor’ setup works very well as it keeps things in check in terms of what we pay for our training and it provides a level of abstraction so those setting the training payments are not those receiving them. For us, we just want to field competitive travel teams so kids with solid skills can play in a suitable environment. This not only helps them, but also avoids situations where older Rec games are dominated by a few talented players.
So for us, the puzzle was – why aren’t girls trying out for travel? We found a few interesting things:
- Because the girls grow up playing on coed teams, their parents and coaches subconsciously compare them to ALL of their peers, including the boys. So girls who may show a strong potential will actually have parents saying “she’s not good enough for travel” when she’d likely be one of the top players.
- Girls have a LOT of other activities available to them that go year round (dance, gymnastics, cheer) and these programs are VERY strict. You miss practices, you don’t compete and there are sometimes even fines for parents if you miss too many practices or decide to quit to play another sport. Crazy Stuff.
- Most people think travel soccer means jetting around the country. The myths that abound about travel soccer still amaze me. When I tell parents that at younger ages, travel programs are basically Rec (practice twice a week, play a game on the weekend) except the practices are 30 minutes longer and 4-5 matches are at most 60-90 minutes away, they’re shocked.
- The girls don’t want to leave their existing teams – it’s a comfort zone. This is a HUGE deal.
Now don’t get me wrong. If a child is having fun playing soccer in Rec and is comfortable. Great. But all too often we heard from older girls who regretted not having tried out for a travel team when they were younger. So some of our league officers and girl’s travel coaches tried to figure out ways to give younger girls a chance to explore new opportunities, learn new skills, and possibly get comfortable with the idea of playing travel. The result was a program called ‘Kick it Like A Girl’. Every Sunday afternoon, a few of our experienced coaches would hold a free 90 minute session for any U8-U10 age girl to learn some soccer skills and play scrimmages with just girls. In our coed league, this was a new experience. The goal was NOT to recruit girls like Susan describes, but just to give them additional learning opportunities. If the clinics helped the girls get more comfortable with the idea of playing on an all girls travel team – great. We DON’T specifically recruit anyone at these clinics and they are open to all. As I’ll touch on in a separate post, the MAIN reason for this clinic was to give the girls more ball touches, something they were lacking in coed.
So while I’m sure some big clubs sponsor these clinics and camps as recruiting tools, not all of them are doing it for selfish reasons. Some of us are just trying to provide players with a way to get past some of the fears they have about ‘the next level’ and if not, a chance to improve their skills. Some of us in youth soccer do this because we love kids and love the beautiful game. We try to do what we believe is best for the kids when it comes to soccer. So being lumped in with the darker forces in youth soccer touches a nerve:
Be wary of coaches courting your child at age eight or nine. They may well be a wolf looking to devour Red Riding Hood. Take their flattery with a grain of salt. Come watch some practices over the course of the next couple weeks to see if the coaches have a Mr. Hyde personality when the clinics are over or continue to be patient and nurturing with these young players. Talk to other parents, particularly parents of older players, to get their opinion of the club once players hit the select stage. And most importantly listen to your child. If he or she is unhappy, then prestige and winning are empty gifts. Soccer should never cease to be fun.
I’m not the big bad wolf. But he’s out there in youth soccer and Susan’s advice is VERY good about doing your research. But like many things you see coming from state and national soccer associations, the assumption seems to be that we’re all doing bad things. It’s all or nothing. In articles such as these it would be nice to see the positive side of a ‘new concept’ presented along with warnings about the possible negatives.
August 2nd, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Welcome back and it is great to see your new posts!
Coincidentally, my daughter just attended a free clinic this Saturday in the Triangle area. It was offered to kids in a wide age range – so I don’t think it was meant to be a recruiting scheme. But it was a prelude to a series of paid clinic in the coming weeks offered by the coach.
The clinic was very well run and coached. There was no pressure at all to attend the other sessions.
If my kid did not already have team practice and tournament at the same time, I would have signed her up for the other sessions.
As for Susan’s comment about clubs recruiting at this age – I find that parents/families have only so much resources in terms of money and time (i.e. driving their kids to practices) that they really only have only one or two clubs in mind – especially at the U9 and U10 age. When the kids are a bit older and are in Classics, I can see parents willing to drive further for practices and game. So, I agree with you about the cynicism. It is still a paid to pay sport and from what I understand, it is not that lucrative all around.
What I do see and I think it is a win-win situation is when clubs offer free clinics as a way to promote/market themselves in their community.
August 3rd, 2010 at 11:45 am
You touched on a very important topic about limited resources and time and supposed club shopping. I’ll have to write about that in more detail because I have seen that to be the case and have lived through it as well.
I think parents DO need to keep an open mind about the free clinics, for good and bad. But don’t discourage them. If clubs want to offer free clinics to show off their stuff AND teach kids. Why is that bad?
August 23rd, 2010 at 9:49 am
I’ve always thought Susan Boyd’s posts/article have been doom and gloom, doom and gloom, and rather narrow.
Free clinics are good for some players, not for all. Of course any club is looking for players, and finding a needle in a haystack is important.
The problem is when clubs charge for tryouts, or offer something free when there are strings attached (like signing a contract or waiver regarding accepting a spot). Our local travel youth soccer club, barely above rec, makes all parents pay a $70 deposit for a tryout. If the player does not make a travel team, they put the money towards a rec team spot. That prevents a player from taking another travel team spot.
For the most part, we don’t pursue free clinics if there is no chance my son would play for the team or we’d pay for the training. We don’t want to waste the clubs time or money either.