For those of you not following me on Twitter (I’m @soccerdad), here’s a peek at my Tweets for the past week. Clearly I tweet too much.
- For those of you curious in > 140 chars about how I’m pushing/challenging my U12 girls team this season see Not about wins #
- We play an even tougher team tomorrow. Should be interesting. When they have that breakout game, will be a lot of fun to watch. #
- Most teams would have given up after a rough start like that – they pulled themselves up and held a better team 0-0 for 59 minutes. #
- Hope everyone is having a good Sat-Proud of my U12 girls-Let a goal in 7 seconds in, then another @ 50 secs. Held them scoreless for 59 mins #
- Getting ready for a jam packed weekend of soccer in gorgeous weather – once the kids get out of school. #
- Morning Tweeps! Just getting the kids ready for school. Yes, on a Saturday. Yay Snow Day makeups. District gave us 3 days notice. #morons #
- True RT @AlexKaris: Give a peep a tweet and U feed them for a day. Teach a peep to tweet & U shift the planets consciousness! ~ak proverb #
- Funny RT @Rev_Ian: so the redneck at work just said he doesn’t believe in “soccer” WTF? then he said softball was a much better sport! #
- Absolutely! [email protected] #
- YES! RT @SoccerMarketer: wondering whether MLS and WPS teams without a jersey sponsor should use asset to promote a local charity or cause #
- #followfriday @seanb_us, @Kellyology, @TheDomesticMom, @sam_lucido, @Attacking90, @twofootedtackle, @brianbaute, @soccerlens #
- Raise your hand if you could care less where Beckham plays this year! #notcaringanymore #
- Well put. I love soccer, but it can be tiring! RT @marcyll: musings on the start of a new season #
- Sad times. Just lost a player due to bad grades. School absolutely comes first, but tough to lose a teammate mid season. 🙁 #
- My U5’s first match is 2nite – they’re all VERY young 4 yr olds. Should be nonstop entertainment. This guy is excited-> #
- Take 14 12 yr old girls, coop them up all weekend/week w/snow days, delays, & closed soccer fields, then send them to practice = very scary #
- It’s Friday, temps expected to be 70+ for soccer this weekend. And free babysitting Sat morning w/kids in school. Could be worse #
- Wow. U12 girls soccer practice after snow days, kids cooped up for the past week = utter chaos and silliness! it was fun and frustrating 🙂 #
- Well off to practice with the U12 girls. Tweet with you all later! #
- Bet we’ll see more of this RT @jenmenke: Just heard our school district may be cutting high school soccer to meet budget. Very bad news. #
- Energy Drink means Amp not Gatorade RT @pegnewsall: Fort Worth Youth Soccer Assoc bans energy drinks during games #
- How Ironic RT @zaibatsu: FAIL: Criticizing Twitter Takes Too Many Words #
- Reading a debate about youth coaches & R they all teaching kick & run: I think some are, but not all -> #
- Author of this piece amazes me w/their ignorance End is funny though RT @maphet:Reading “How Soccer is Ruining America” #
- proud, excited, worried, bite tongue, potential, agility, cool RT @sportsparents: Watching a child play sports, in 8 words #
- Yes! RT @ALANHARRIS_: luvya #soccerdad come 2 sunny California soccer paradise we go play on the beach and drink with @beachsoccer all day #
- Agree. No need to askRT @BrianBaute: Do u retweet more often if someone asks? I don’t. I retweet if it’s something valuable to my community. #
- Is there a CSS tweak to change the mis-spelling style in the WP TinyMCE editor? The red squiggle lines are impossible to see. #wordpress #
- Sigh – clicked wrong tweet to RT! RT @twofootedtackle [TFT] Calling all MLS bloggers… #mls #bloggers #
- RT @twofootedtackle: [TFT] PremWatch 5th March 2009 #mls #bloggers #
- Mmmmmm nope – wrong account LOL RT @vw412fan: @soccerdad Aaaaanndd… we’re back! #
- Reading about some youth soccer clubs already letting staff & DOCs go. If your club isn’t preparing 4 the downturn, you should be asking why #
- Trying to figure out why hashtags are any different than a keyword search, beyond inclusion at Can see if its #someoddacronym #
- Bad way to start day RT @talkradiojoe: After weeks of peace & happiness, my boss is now on Twitter & following me ..sigh.. #onmybestbehavior #
- Plight of all soccer parents RT @erikawil:how is it possible in a house full of soccer crap I cant locate shinguards for these small people? #
- Sage twitter advice, esp #2 RT @jamesbyers: Reading Top 5 Ways NOT To Use Twitter #
- LOL Run! RT @vw412fan: Hey maybe I’ll try this practice plan with my ’98 girls this weekend. Think I’d get fired? LOL #
- Insights into the life of a youth->collegiate soccer coach RT @corvallissoccer: Q&A: Catching Up With Dave Ellis #
- Just had an interesting chat with head of a big soccer league about how Twitter & other social networks could improve league communications #
- HAHAHA Soccer/Lacrosse battle RT @hummelbob: Wondering why soccer would try to kick us off the practice field. We have sticks and helmets. #
- The senator who wrote this law did so in part because of complaints from parents of a cheerleader who got cut. Imagine the implications. #
- Wow – about to post an article on a proposed law in Rhode Island that would form a panel that could fine parents & review league decisions. #
- Our school district just killed us. Already had last weekend washed out & now they tell us TODAY, makeup day on Sat – when all our matches R #
- That didn’t last long RT @inspiringdesign: “Bad Jokes Force Skittles To Dump Twitter For Facebook” – #
- RT @wardmorgan: Youth Soccer Coaches Needed: City of Manhattan Parks and Rec Dept is in need of volunteer youth. #
- For all my new followers (thanks!) if you’re into youth soccer, you may find this informative: #
- RT @garymintchell: OK soccer followers, teaching “how to be a referee” Wed. What would u like a referee to know about the game and players? #
- Wow – does this sum up youth soccer? RT @zkcooper: Registered the kids for U4 soccer. It was a crazy experience. Glad I had lots of cheques! #
- HAHAHA Now that’s a scary soccer mom. RT @lizawalton: is the anarchist soccer mom again. #
- Gr8! Opening soccer wknd – washout. Snowday Monday. School says Saturday ‘makeup’ very likely (all our games are on Sat) = Rescheduling Hell #
- Noticing the #skittles buzz with their Twitter based homepage. Skittles are, by far, the most popular candy in our soccer concession stand. #
- Just added an 8th column to tweetDeck. Me thinks I have an illness. Info overload! #
- Awesome – RT @TIAS “An American youth soccer league … 75 years old” #
- HAHAHA Paypal wants my feedback after I lost for $75 for a product never delivered and got $11.86 in return. What do they think it will be? #
- Only a couple inches of snow here in NC. Kids still home. I’ll give up my nomination for parent of the year and plant them in front of DVDs #
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