On The Pitch

Thoughts on Youth Soccer from a Soccer Dad, Fan, Coach and Administrator

Entries for March, 2009

What ESPN Hides From You

When you watch soccer on TV, the crowd noise is squelched down a lot so you can hear the commentary, so you miss out on the 12th man effect. Here’s a highlight film with unfiltered audio of the recent USMNT v El Salvador World Cup qualifier. Amazing.

Beware The Green Death!

The coach of a new team of six and seven year old girls decided now was not the time to be coddling youth players and told his new U8 parents what he really thought about competition. In the end , it got him fired.

SoccerDad’s Weekly Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30

SoccerDad’s tweets of wisdom in 140 characters or less from Twitter

SoccerDad’s Weekend Reading – Vol 1 Issue 1

SoccerDad shares some Youth Soccer articles for your weekend reading enjoyment – when you aren’t out On The Pitch, of course.

Sure Sign Of Lots Of Cancellations

By the looks of this, I’m thinking a whole lot of matches across Region III won’t be played this weekend

Differences In How Boys And Girls Retaliate

An experienced referee has some interesting observations about how older players may retaliate in different ways depending on their gender and what to look for.

An Amazing Story Of Sportsmanship

When all we seem to see are negative stories about youth sports in the media, it’s wonderful to hear about stories of sportsmanship and selflessness in youth soccer. An AYSO coach, whose team was eliminated from a regional tournament in California, discovered the winners could not go on to the next round for financial reasons and decided to try and do something about it with the help of a local radio personality and the WPS LA SOL.

Be DOC For A Day – How Would You Respond?

The parents of a U10 player want their child to only be playing striker, and emailed their DOC to complain. How you you respond to such a request for such a young player?

Kick Like A Girl – A Documentary

When an undefeated girls soccer team called The Mighty Cheetahs goes looking for stronger competition, they find it in the boys division of their soccer league. Their coach, who happened to be in film school at the time, decided it would make a compelling story for a documentary and the result is ‘Kick Like A Girl’, a documentary due to be released this summer.

Is Your Youth Soccer Team Professional?

The smallest gestures and acts by a youth soccer team can be the difference between a good team and a great team.

Ever Had One Of THOSE Weekends?

SoccerDad had one of ‘those’ weekends, and a helpful parent captured it in one picture trying to preempt a thousand words from Coach!

SoccerDad’s Weekly Twitter Updates for 2009-03-23

SoccerDad’s tweets of wisdom in 140 characters or less from Twitter

Banning Orange Slices in Youth Sports?

An Australian sports authority has banned oranges from youth sports games in the name of preventing tooth decay. Seriously.

An Epic Rant for Youth Soccer Referees

Referee’s endure an unacceptable amount of abuse from overzealous soccer coaches and parents. But there also are referees who just don’t take their responsibility seriously, and a recent forum poster lets off an epic rant on many of the reasons why they should.

Why Fields Are Closed When The Sun Shines

Soccer fields always seem to be closed longer than they should be when it rains and many parents and coaches don’t understand why. Here’s some info we shared with our league to try and help them understand instead of thinking we’re Bill Murray in CaddyShack.