As you can see, we’ve switched to a new theme for On The Pitch. I really never liked the old one – too boxy and busy and honestly pretty ugly. I thought the whole grass thing for On The ‘Pitch’ was clever, but I never could get the theme looking the way I wanted. Plus the sidebars were a mess.
So, true to my style – instead of doing a full test site and getting everything perfect, I’ve flipped the switch and am fixing stuff live. So bear with me. The normal home page will return in a bit and the sidebars will eventually get back to normal. The main home page and sidebars are looking pretty good – except on FireFox. Still have to figure that out without breaking IE and Chrome. Still some minor tweaks, but so far so good.
So what do you think? Good change? Bad? I might try to recolor the theme to green once I get things working nicely.
December 9th, 2008 at 10:36 am
Very nice. I always try to follow KISS. I like the redesign and think a green scheme would work well with the theme and name.
December 9th, 2008 at 10:40 am
Like the new look much better.. Good job!
December 9th, 2008 at 11:42 am
Well, so far so good. The sidebar is functional again – but probably need to clean some stuff out. First I need to redo the main page template to get the tabbed stuff working again. But for now – everything seems to be working! Let me know if you notice anything broken. The FAQ needs to be restyled a bit.
December 9th, 2008 at 5:21 pm
Great job! Would like to see the green back tho. How about a section where folks could display team photos?
December 9th, 2008 at 6:57 pm
Yeah, I do miss the green and it’s not that hard to ‘colorize’ the graphics and such to green. But it’ll be a little while as part of this theme change also involved pretty substantial changes to the overall system (finally moving to the standard widget system for the sidebars, upgrading to the latest WordPress – v2.7 – which has lots of new features like threaded comments, better widget mgmt, and updating the theme to support them) As for the team photos, I’m working on something that will actually allow people to setup team website using the fantastic features of WordPress to manage their sites, including a great photo system. You can get a peek at how it works at my girl’s team’s website: