Steve Olson of passed this along. It’s a survey being run by the Center for Sport Policy and Research at Middle Tennessee State University that is investigating the experiences of parents in youth sports:
Dear parent of a participant in youth sports,
You are being asked by the Center for Sport Policy and Research , under the direction of Dr. Colby Jubenville, to participate in this study because you may be a parent of at least one child who participates in some type of youth sport activity.
The confidential questionnaires and module will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. You are encouraged to complete the research instruments in one sitting.
Because we know your time is valuable, three (3) TARGET gift cards valued at $100 each will be issued at random. Please provide your email address if you would like to be included in the drawing for the gift card. You will have the option to enter into this drawing at the completion of the survey.
This survey has been approved by the MTSU Institutional Review Board. The research protocol has been reviewed and it has been determined that the study poses minimal risk to subjects and qualifies for expedited review under 45 CFR.110 and 21 CFR 56.110. Thank you for your participation. Please click on continue if you wish to complete the study.
Additional information:
- There are no expected costs associated with your participation in this study.
- Discomforts, inconveniences, and/or risks that can be reasonably expected are no greater than those encountered in everyday life.
- There are no unforeseeable risks associated with this study.
- There is no compensation for your participation in this study.
- If you should choose to withdraw from this study, you are free to do so without any penalty or consequence.
To participate in the survey on Parent Experiences in Youth Sports, visit the following link:
Parent Experiences in Youth Sports you have any questions about this research study, please contact Dr. Colby Jubenville at (615) 898-2909.
I’d love to see the preliminary report and results from this when it’s completed! If I can get a copy of the report when it’s published, I’ll definitely post a followup!
October 9th, 2008 at 6:58 pm
I took the survey, maybe 10 minutes or time. Interesting questions and focus. I’m sure the answers will vary across ages and levels of competition.