Intriguing. Four soccer players, mostly from Duke University’s Documentary Studies program, are setting out on an adventure across the globe to create a documentary about soccer:
Four soccer-playing filmmakers abandon jobs, renew passports, trade novels for Lonely Planets, and travel the world in search of pickup games: impromptu scenes that arise anywhere, between anyone. As we trek around the globe, we’ll move between soccer super-powers and countries where soccer savvy may not be at its best but where the game’s power to unite people is. While one minute we’ll be in Uruguay – esfihas frying on the sidewalk while fifty-year-olds do bicycle kicks and land with a plop on the sand – we’ll later move to Afghanistan, where girls wearing traditional head-to-toe garb are feeling out the game in a post-Taliban world. From the favelas of Rio to the pyramids of Egypt, from the hooligans of England to the freestylers of Burma, we will search for all backdrops and varieties of pick-up soccer.
It sounds like a very interesting endeavor. Click on the destinations tab to see some of the places they plan to go. They also plan to blog about their experiences, which should make for interesting reading. Here’s hoping they’ll put up some snippets of footage on YouTube before the film is released. I know I’ll be watching with interest.
August 6th, 2007 at 7:12 am
‘Post-Taliban’ Afghanistan? That might be technically true in some sense – the Taliban don’t rule Kabul by themselves anymore, they just hold seats in Parliament, take/hold/kill hostages, etc. So, for the women in Kabul who had some degree of freedom before the Taliban and who are still alive after the U.S. invasion, those women have some of their freedom back.
March 10th, 2009 at 3:06 pm
Did you complete the movie? Please let me know I would really like to know. And watch it if you did complete it.