We recently had a lively debate on our coach’s mailing list about coed vs gender split divisions in Recreational soccer for U10 in our league. Much more on that later. The upshot is, we’re going to present a small survey to our parents during Fall season registration to gauge parent opinion on the topic (most of our registrations come in online). So we figure we might as well ask them a few others things. I’m considering some simple questions overall about their happiness with the league, etc., but want to make sure the handful of questions we ask are useful. What would you ask your parents in a survey if you sent one out?
Sorry, no, asking if they voted for Sanjaya is out.
May 10th, 2007 at 8:31 am
Some questions you might want to consider:
–Is your child enjoying playing in the league?
–Are you satisfied with your child’s development as a soccer player?
–Do you feel like the club/league does a good job a good job keeping parents informed about (different programs, camps, fields, whatever your concerns might be)?
Good to see you posting again – I know it’s been a busy spring.
May 10th, 2007 at 10:34 am
The interesting thing about questions like that is that they may be too general to figure out how to fix whatever has them upset. We actually plan to do two surveys. The first during registration will probably be geared towards what parents might like to see changed in the Fall (including the coed issue). What I’ve had ‘on the list’ forever is another survey to send to kids who drop out. To find out why they left and how the league might improve, along the lines of the questions you listed above. The same survey (or a similar one) could be sent to parents at the end of the Spring season as well, but I figured targeting the dropouts would get you a higher number of “this is why we weren’t happy” in addition to the ones who just decided to try something else. I don’t want to over survey – but having them targeted might help.
Definitely think I’ll include the communications one you listed and maybe mold the question along the lines of how they prefer to get the info (email, phone, website, paper, etc).