Tweet Blogging about soccer isn’t likely to get you on the road to riches. We write about the beautiful game because we love it. However, it doesn’t hurt to get even a meager reward for your efforts to help pay the broadband bill, etc. Many of us run Google’s Adsense ads on our pages, but […]
Entries for October, 2006
Balancing Act
Tweet I’ve never understood why kids like trying to stand on the ball so much, but they all try to do it. Here’s a picture of one of my U8’s managing the balancing act quite nicely.
Copa America – Why Is This Still Undecided?
Tweet US Soccer fans have been wondering for years why we don’t participate in the Copa America. After the performance of the USMNT at the World Cup, US Soccer began to hint that we might finally go to get more experience for our team. Over at an American’s View on Futbol, Brian asks a question […]
SWD: Soccer While Driving
Tweet I’m sure that I’m likely the last person in the world NOT to have seen this video, but just in case… Talk about taking guerrilla marketing to the extreme. Playing soccer with a bunch of tiny city cars and a huge soccer ball. Unreal. Those little cars bounce off each other quite nicely!
Team Disparity and Fairness
Tweet Building on the post I recently put up regarding a mercy rule, our league decided to email our parents some further explanations as to why some teams aren’t competing well, why they got the players they did, and what the league hopes to do in the future to ensure more competitive divisions. The background […]
Where Soccer Dad Gets Had…
Tweet This is something the Soccer Mom’s will get a kick out of. So we’re taking our U10 team to the Recreational State Cup and the team mom’s are almost as excited about the trip as the kids are. One of the team moms offered to setup hotel accommodations, which was great. Like any coach, […]
When You Have WAY Too Much Time On Your Hands
Tweet You build a soccer stadium out of Lego’s. Impressive doesn’t even begin to describe this.
Have Mercy On My Team!
Tweet Anyone with kids in little league baseball knows about the ‘mercy rule’. If a team gets up by a certain number of runs, the game is ended early. The idea being the kids will get demoralized, so ending it early protects their sensibilities. You don’t find mercy rules too often in soccer though. The […]
Survey Says…
Tweet James over at A Kick In The Grass/Manchester United, asks what football fans did before the Internet: I’ve often wondered what football fans did before the arrival of the Internet, because these days many football fans use the net to curse about their favourite club who may have just lost an important match, courtesy […]
Dealing With Your Inner Soccer Mom
Tweet I have to admit that one of the more enjoyable parts of being so involved in youth soccer is watching parents deal with this thing called youth soccer for the first time. They arrive at the complex for the first time to see a parking lot of wall to wall mini-vans and huge flat […]
QOTW: What’s Your Standard Sideline Gear?
Tweet The Question of the Week this week is mainly for parents and other youth soccer spectators. What is Your Standard Sideline Gear? Most people equate ‘Soccer Moms’ with mini-vans, which is definitely true. Even with people buying SUVs like crazy over the past few years, there always seemed to be more mini-vans in the […]
An OTP Public Service Announcement
Tweet A reminder to parents, relatives, friends, etc. If you choose to drive to your little pride and joy’s soccer match drunk AND decide to park in a handicap space, rest assured a league official WILL call the police. Prepare to sit in your car a long time as well because the police will HAPPILY […]
Interesting Site for Premiership News
Tweet I happened to notice a URL I hadn’t seen before in my referral data, so gave it a look. It’s a site called SquadInfo and is a news aggregator which searches for Premiership news from Google, Yahoo, and BBC Sport as well as YouTube, Yahoo Images/Pictures and Google Blogsearch. You can limit the search […]
Advertising Futbol During Football
Tweet I’ll admit that I enjoy watching pointy ball as well as round ball, but with soccer season in full swing for our kids, I’ve yet to catch a pointy ball game until today. I should be out playing pickup, but have to watch the urchins while Soccer Mom drops her Dad at the airport. […]