Wow. This puts the equitable playing time rules common in youth soccer leagues into a whole new perspective.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A father pulled a gun on a youth football coach because his son wasn’t getting enough playing time, police said.
Wayne Derkotch, 40, was arguing with the coach Sunday morning during a game of 6- and 7-year-olds in northeast Philadelphia when he pulled out the gun, police said.
No shots were fired and no one required medical treatment, authorities said. Derkotch was charged with aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment.
Oh. My. God. You’re upset because your kid is on the bench so you pull a gun on the coach in front of a team full of 6 and 7 year olds?!?!?!?! All hell must have broken loose at this game because a referee got arrested for throwing a punch at someone. And parents wonder why police cruisers are such a common sight at youth sporting events these days. Sigh…
Background checks for parents anyone?
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