Our U10 Recreation team is having a pretty good season, so we’ve decided to take them to the North Carolina Recreation State Cup. We figure it’ll give them a chance to see some new teams, plus they’ve worked really hard all season so this will be a cool end of season adventure, win or lose. They’re definitely excited about it. It’ll be a new experience for everybody.
This will be the first ‘tournament’ for our kids and parents. For those of you who have been to tournaments like this before – any advice for us? Things to make sure you have with you, gotchas you might run into, ideas for keeping the kids focused on the matches at hand amid all the excitement, etc. We’ve already got all our paperwork ready to go, so hopefully we won’t screw any of the registration stuff up. But any hints would be appreciated!
In line with the recent posts about co-ed teams, they only have boys and girls divisions in the cup, but we’re taking our co-ed team with 5 girls and 6 boys to play in the boys division. Here’s hoping we surprise a few people!
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