Who Ate All The Bratwurst (mmmmm bratwurst!) has a top ten list up highlighting the Top Ten signs that America will Pay Attention to the World Cup. This was in response to a fairly bleak article from the BBC where they felt Americans weren’t in a fervor about the World Cup yet. Geez. Let us get past Memorial Day first. I know I’ve noticed a LOT more excitement about the World Cup than in previous cups. In advertising alone there is much more activity. Check out WAATB for the full list. His #1 reason is true enough…
Flag-waving. If there’s one thing America does well, it’s mindless patriotism. You can’t walk down the street without seeing stars, stripes, spangled banners and ‘support our troops’, so once the pressure is on the US team, the flag-wavers will emerge and support their country regardless of what sport they’re playing.
I think the US will actively support their national teams in any sport. But I take exception to it being mindless patriotism. Look, there’s nothing wrong with being patriotic and supporting your country’s team. Just because we Americans are proud of our country and flag doesn’t mean we all support this guy. HAHAHAHA, I think The Daily Header is going to have to become a daily read!
May 26th, 2006 at 5:16 pm
Why thank you Soccer Dad. And nice site. Nice pitch up there, too. (Looks downright kickable.) Hey I don’t like that Gatorade ad much. Kinda gloomy to my taste. Especially the deathbed version of take me out to the ball park. And the snow, and soldiers. Oh well, at least they didn’t show the Mexican fans chanting “Oh-sama.”