Most soccer parents are familiar with ‘The Tunnel’. After the game is over and the teams shake hands, the parents join hands with each other and form an arched tunnel for the kids to run through while the parents cheer. Well, this past weekend after our U10 championship, one team’s parents pulled a fast one. After a tough loss, the parents formed the tunnel and the kids ran towards it like always. Just as the first kids reached the tunnel, the parents whipped out about 20 cans of silly string and sprayed the kids as they ran through the tunnel. Then the kids found the case with some unused cans and chased each other around the field hooting and hollering spraying anyone nearby with silly string (they chased the coaches a good 100 yards before they caught them with string). No joke the kids that WON the match were looking at the other team with envy! It was hard to tell who was happier after that match – the winners or the losers. Best. Tunnel. Ever.
Best Tunnel Idea Ever
May.08, 2006 in
November 26th, 2006 at 10:22 pm
At the now U10 girls level, the girls started their own tunnel tradition– the teams form a tunnel for each other after the traditional post-game handshake. Its a great sportsmanship moment and as far as any of the parents can tell, it was started spontaneously by one of the teams before becoming the league norm.
November 27th, 2006 at 12:40 am
That’s very cool. I’ve seen that done at some tournaments between teams that don’t know each other which is neat.
October 22nd, 2007 at 4:26 am
Great story… Wish more of my clubs’ teams did something like this… This “must-win culture” has to stop…
Matt @