Over the past few years we’ve had a variety of end of season parties for our U6 and U8 teams. We’ve gone to a local Pizza restaurant, the local swimming pool (has a cover in the winter/spring), and rooms at our local community center. But they normally have been separate. Well the soccer moms on the three teams I’m involved in coaching (as a head or asst coach) have become friends over the past couple years and they decided to have one big party for all three teams.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It actually was a lot of fun, but it was managed chaos with about 30 players ranging from 4-8 years old, siblings of all ages, and parents. We had 20 pizza’s at least and a huge sheet cake. But, as always, the soccer moms did a great job and everyone had a good time. Until the balls got handed out.
I started a little tradition with my U6 kids last year. For each kid moving up to U8, where we use a Size 4 ball (yes I KNOW its supposed to be Size 3), I got them a new Size 4 ball as a ‘graduation’ present. That way they had the right size ball to practice with over the summer. It was a big hit. So between the three teams this year, we had 13 kids moving up who got soccer balls. And every kid opened theirs. In a room full of 80 some odd people with little room to spare. Lets just say the synchronized bouncing of 10+ soccer balls on the floor led many parents to either confiscate the balls or shoot me dirty looks (they didn’t really) Add in the hacky sack soccer balls handed out by another parent – we had a lot of things flying through the air. But overall it was a great party even if it was a bit of a madhouse. My hats go off to the soccer mom’s as usual who did a great job and make coaching easy.
Yeah, I’m rambling on a bit I guess. Just lamenting that another season has passed. Our U8 team was one of those teams you remember for their desire to learn, how much they improved in a year, and how far they went (the championship game – lost 1-0) My U6 teams were just plain fun. A very eclectic mix of personalities and kids who really enjoyed being on the field and playing. I’ll miss them – I’m moving up to U10 with my son and some other players from our U8 team. It’ll be exciting and scary – but until them, I’m basking in the twilight of a very fun and exciting season. Good job guys!
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