On The Pitch

Thoughts on Youth Soccer from a Soccer Dad, Fan, Coach and Administrator

Entries for April, 2005

Talk About Perfect Timing

Here’s hoping the weather forecast is wrong … as usual

Registration Stats

Tweet Last summer when I was doing my usual preseason SoccerSys updates and adding new features, I was curious how registrations were going.  We have almost 3/4 of our players register online while the rest use paper forms which we enter into the system manually. So I threw together a script to display realtime registration […]

Money … money .. money!

Gotta collect it, count it, organize it, and cash the checks – whee!

You Learn Something Everyday

Including new words!

This Really Is A No Brainer

But you never know what type of new rule will cause an uproar.

Ooooh It Sparkles!

There is no question technology and the Internet have made some things much cheaper … including trophies

Upset City

What makes a good tournament? Upsets!

I hereby bequeath my estate…

Who knew that a soccer league should have a last will and testament?

Small Side Soccer

Have you ever noticed there are religious wars no matter what you are dealing with? Ford vs Chevy, Microsoft vs Apple, etc. Now its Small Side vs Not So Small Side!

Well, Here Goes Nothing

Why would some random Soccer Dad who didn’t even play in school think he can comment on Soccer?