Anne Glamore writes about her trip to her son’s first soccer tournament. Needless to say, it did not go well:

The boys were understandably upset after their loss.

“They didn’t play fair,” some said.

“Why didn’t the ref call it when they shoved us?” others wondered.

But you know, in my view a big part of sports is to use them to teach the kids about life. It’s easy to teach them how to win. It’s more challenging to show them how to lose with dignity and shake the hands of the other team when tears are streaming down their faces.

There are few opportunities as blatant as this to teach one of the most important lessons of all: Life Isn’t Fair.

Exactly. My U11 girls went through something similar last fall. The best part of Anne’s post wasn’t necessarily the description of the lesson’s learned, but the accompanying Venn Diagram:

Soccer Venn Diagram

That’s fantastic. Anne – make up T-Shirts of those on CafePress – people will buy them!